Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Dude?

With Hannah out of town, Ollie and were woken with the sun to a strange sound coming from outside. It almost sounded like a 9 week old chick trying to crow. I decided to reserve judgement.

Later in the day, I caught Wendy (Walter?) in the act of crowing. Uh oh... Apparently, the dominant lady can sometimes act the part of the protector, so we don't know anything for sure yet.

Here's what WikiAnswers.com says about the matter:

The easiest way to know what gender chickens are by the novice small flock owner is to care for the birds until they begin showing the natural secondary characteristics of their gender.

In males, the combs and wattles will become larger than those on females and the head will become more angular and masculine looking.
(check - see waddle and comb)

Spurs will start to develop on the inside on the leg of the male.
(not yet - hope it stays that way...)

The female will remain smaller than the male and is more refined or feminine looking.
(check - Walter is much larger than the others)

They may also make cackling sounds as the reassure the hens that they are looking out for them.

Stay tuned...


  1. does that mean the chicks eggs will get fertalized? do chickens "breed like rabbits"?

  2. Can you tell whether a chicken's head looks "feminine" or "more refined"? Really?

  3. C'mon Wendy, er, Walter's head is obviously more refined. But can you clarify what a Wattle is? Does that hang down between his/her legs or somthing? Maybe ze (pc term)is just experimentin' with sexualiaty. Everyone is doin' it these days!
