Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Announcing the ladies

Chicks have arrived on 25th Avenue!

Yesterday we spent a bit of time at a new shop on Morrison Street called The Urban Farm Store ( We came home with all the goodies for the brooder, and learned that we'd be able to come back for some chicks at ten this morning. We were so excited-- and worried that our choice breeds would be gone in a flash-- that we showed up at ten on the nose only to find out that the chicks hadn't yet arrived in the mail. That's right. The chicks travel from hatcheries around the country via the good old U.S. Postal Service.

Later this afternoon as we were headed to the park with Ollie, I called the farm store in the off chance that the chicks arrived mid-day. Turns out they had, and they were going fast. We raced over and managed to get the breeds we were after. They are:

Buff Orpington


Rhode Island Red

Barred Plymouth Rock

Aren't they going to be a pretty flock?

So far, the chicks seem a bit shell shocked. They chirped furiously all the way home, but now that they're settled into their brooder, they mostly eat, drink, poop and fall asleep in the middle of walking. It's a bit startling when that happens as it pretty much looks like they're dead-- wings akimbo, legs splayed. But then they sleep for a few moments, wake up, and go about their business like nothing happened. Weirdos.

Regarding the ladies' names: we're not sure who's who yet, but we know that three of them are called Wendy, Carnie, and Chynna after the hit pop group Wilson Phillips. The fourth chick was an impulse buy, so we haven't settled on the last name yet. Anyone have thoughts?


  1. no you didn't name them after Wilson Phillips.
    I love it.
    they are super cute.

  2. the last chick's name should be omelette. AND they are so cute i am dying!!!!!!!!

  3. I think you should name the last chick "Sal Monella." (Pause for laughter).

  4. ok, I have no clever 4th name ideas....but WOW are they adorable (and from the looks of it, will be growing up to be quite gorgeous little ladies)! I'm still a bit bewildered by the whole "arrive via mail" concept, which makes my mind twist, but can't wait to meet them!
